When a Vision Inspires…

When have you felt the most professionally fulfilled? I challenge you to think deeply about that question. For me, the times when I have been the most professionally fulfilled have not been the easiest times in my career.

    My first years as a principal at each of the campuses I was fortunate to serve come with memories of great growth and fulfillment. Currently in my role as a Deputy Superintendent charged with casting and  bringing forward the new era of public education alongside a brilliant team brings incredible fulfillment. These times I describe are fulfilling because they challenge me to establish a vision that inspires. A vision that inspires growth, change, collaboration, and unity.

   A vision that inspires has the ability to break through forces that desire to hang on to the status quo. It also assures and shows people that the painful first steps of change required will bring about benefits and satisfaction for those we serve and personally.

    A vision this inspires creates autonomy. When the vision is shared, clear direction is cast which empowers those we serve to create, innovate, and move forward.  In my experience, autonomy is one of the greatest motivators! Autonomy also allows people to take risks, fail, and try again.  It fosters a culture of learning and growing. 

    A vision that inspires, promotes collaboration and unity.  When a group of highly motivated and passionate people are working towards a common goal, there is no greater power.  Energy in the organization is high, appreciation for unique strengths is magnified, and personal interests and pursuits are put aside for the team and its goals.  

     Leading change is only possible with a clear and communicated vision that inspires.  When we are inspired, our hearts are open to change.  We are never the same again. 


A Question of Morals


Less Happy, More Energy