
In a recent Forbes article titled, The Role That Boundaries Play in Leadership Growth, boundaries are defined as the fence between you and others- where I begin and you end. 

In leadership, fences fall over when we begin to over identify with our role and our positions. Fences are plowed over when our need to be seen supersedes our desire to serve. Fences crumble in struggles for power and glory. 

Fallen and crumbled fences are symbols of leadership through control, manipulation, and narcissism. But most of all, insecurity.  

I am convinced living and expecting healthy boundaries in leadership is a non-negotiable. Leaders who live and model healthy boundaries don’t confuse a job with a calling, a title with a cape, or headlines with heroes.  

Leaders with firm fences crave meaningful connections.  They seek out others for feedback and inspiration, not happiness and approval. They desire to grow YOU, not create a version of you who serves them. 

Boundaries are indeed where I begin and you end.  Don’t lose yourself in a culture of crumbled fences.  Go find a solid one with a servant standing on the other side. 


The Slump.


A Changed Chapter. Thank you Will.